Do I Have to Pay Extra for Additional Stops on My Party Bus Trip?

Learn about additional fees associated with adding extra stops on your party bus route and how to avoid them.

Do I Have to Pay Extra for Additional Stops on My Party Bus Trip?

Organizing a party bus for your special occasion can be a great way to make it memorable and stress-free. When you book a bus, the reservation is considered contractual and you will be charged a certain amount if you cancel it. If you cancel your reservation before 72 hours of the pick-up time, you will be charged 50% of the total rental fee. If you cancel within 72 hours of the pick-up time, you will be charged 100% of the total rental fee, including a 20% tip.

Speedy Route is a great app for delivery people to get to their destination quickly and responsibly. It is free for those who make 10 stops or less, but if you need to make more stops, there may be additional fees associated with it. If you are hiring a charter bus to take your group directly to their destination, make sure that you clean up any debris left behind or else you may have to pay cleaning costs. If you are traveling by public transportation, any place in the United States where the vehicle makes a scheduled stop is considered a point in the United States.

For business owners who need to chart a more complicated route and track customer information, there are great options available such as Badger Maps, TruckRouter or Speedy Route. Bus drivers usually stop every few hours so that everyone can rest from the bus and have a snack. Badger Maps route planner allows two-way, real-time integration with CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho, Insightly, NetSuite and more. The purchaser authorizes Rent My Party bus and Safeway Transit to charge any additional fee after providing the services to the purchaser's credit card as a supplementary charge.

If your trip was mainly for business and you extended your stay for holidays or other personal activities, you can only deduct travel expenses related to your business. A gift to a company intended for the possible personal use or benefit of a particular person or a limited class of people will be considered an indirect gift to that particular person or to the people of that class of people who receive the gift.

Lydia Youngblood
Lydia Youngblood

Certified explorer. Amateur food specialist. Evil tv junkie. Proud coffee practitioner. Typical music ninja. Amateur communicator.

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